Nikia Celeste

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Elephant Juice

elephant shirt jcrew

You guys remember learning "elephant juice" in school?  You know, you just mouth the words and it looks like you're saying "I love you".  Of course, then you say "gotcha!" and let the person know you only said "elephant juice".  Kids...

When I bought this t-shirt, I had no idea that J. Crew seems to have an elephant theme going on in there Fall line-up.  It was brought to my attention by someone I follow on Instagram.  I will chalk that up to me having a knack in the style department.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

elephant shirt jcrew nikg nikstar

elephant shirt jcrew nikg nikstar

elephant shirt jcrew nikg nikstar

Sweater - Similar | Tee-shirt - eBay | Jeggings - Similar | Boots - Nine West

Oh, and I guess I should mention the boots! I've gotten a lot of questions after my last post showing just the tops of them.  Well these are it.  I love them and are my favorite purchase I've made for fall/winter thus far.  I like that they have a sort of "hippy" vibe.  My style totally.  They aren't completely flat. They have a small stacked heel of about an inch, so they are nice and comfortable--which is also pretty much what I go for.  Get them while you can!

This post is linking up with Monday Mingle and How I Fall.