Weekend Mentions

I had a really interesting weekend--interesting in a good way.  We've all heard the Drake saying "No new friends.", but that, I tell ya is baloney!!

I've come across many people who I've developed online friendships with, back when I first moved to Atlanta and again, now that I'm in the Kansas City area.

Chai Sai Brookside Kansas City
Me, LaShonda of FashionPlateKC, Amber of Brown Bombshell Beauty, and Cyndi of Mrs. Wright Writes.

So this past weekend, I got the chance to meet-up with a few other KC bloggers.  I'd been chummy with the LaShonda of Fashion Plate KC blog for a little while, and she set up a lunch for a group of us to connect.  We had a great time!  I needed that "girl time" talking to other women and just "chopping it up".  I haven't had that in a while.  The other two ladies are Amber of Brown Bombshell Beauty and Cyndi of Mrs. Wright Writes.  Make sure to check out these blogs and show love.  You won't be disappointed!

We had a late lunch at Chai Sai, and Indian & Pakistani restaurant that's located in a cool little neighborhood called Brookside.  The food was great.  If you're in KC, I suggest you go. I may do a more detailed review another time, because I'm definitely going back.

Chai Sai achari chicken
Achari Chicken

Now, on Sunday, me and my family had lunch with my girl, Deia of Love In Tangles blog.  She's been on a huge blog hiatus (and really needs to come back. hint hint, D).  We've been online friends for a while now and I'm happy to have had a chance to meet her and her family.

By the way, it's not so much that she's super short (well, she is. Sorry D! haha), but that I'm an Amazon. 5 feet 9 inches ya'll, come see about me.  Most people don't expect that when they see me in person, and are quite surprised.

This was definitely an awesome weekend.  And with that said, I say yes to new friends!