
t-rex cafe

This past weekend, the fam and I had lunch at T-Rex Cafe at The Legends Outlet Mall.  I don't have that much to write about it, except to say that the food was better than I'd thought it would be and the boys had a great time!  The restaurant has a rainforest-y feel with life-sized dinosaurs that make noises and move.  There are a few really big aquariums filled with all kinds of tropical fish, as well. 

t-rex cafe

It is an amazing site to see, and I would recommend taking the kids, if you have them, and are in the Kansas City area.  There is another location in Downtown Disney in Orlando as well!

These boys of mine.

They just warm my heart daily.  It's funny watching the youngest do the same things that the oldest did at the same age.  They both are obsessed with cars and trucks, and they both love to play with them along the window sills.

And of course, Max, is such a good big brother.  They fight a lot, but they hug a lot too.

Thankfully, it looks like Atlanta has made it to the 80+ degree temperatures, and it should be here to stay!  Hence, the shirtless boys.

Happy Thursday!


Curls baby...

Hey ya'lls!  I haven't posted in a while, and so I decided to conjure up something to post about.  The quickest easiest posts to do...........hair posts!


I've been wearing wash-n-go's a lot lately.  This is a big deal because I'm someone who hardly EVER wears them.  Well, lo and behold, I stumbled upon this natural hair vlogger and tried out her method of wash-n-go.  This method works!  It just works!!  I don't know why all of this time I haven't tried to apply product in sections.  I've always been under the impression that it's better not to disturb the curls once out of the shower as it can hinder the "clumping".  Well it doesn't, and because every single hair actually gets some product on it--the clumping snaps right back!  

I suggest you check out this wash-n-go method video and give it a try.  For the record, the products I used were: 1) My oil blend (coconut, almond, olive, castor), 2) Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie, and last 3) Fantasia IC Gel, in that order with each section.  I didn't use as many sections as she did in the video.  I say experiment and do what works for you.

By the way, while trying to take pics of my hair, my youngest insisted that I pick him up so he could take pics too.  Who am I to deny him?  

Have a great weekend!

P.S.  Please disregard the mess in the background--when I get inspired to take pics, I just have to go with it. :)

Happy New Year!

So it's officially 2013.  It is also officially a really gloomy, rainy day in the A(tl).  I'm assuming most of the east is having fairly crummy weather.  To brighten things up a bit--here are a few pics of me and the boys at the beach over the holiday.  

Now, before you begin to curse the day I was born, I must confess that for me it wasn't really beach weather.  The whole time we were in Nassau, the high temps were in the high 70s and a few times touched 80 degrees.  Not to mention, the water this time of year is cold as heck.  I need it to be a good 85 degrees to make me want to get in water.  Nevertheless, it was perfect to layout in and watch Max play in the ocean as if it was as warm as a bath.  Rock on, little man.

Hope 2013 brings all of you plenty of accomplishments, blessings and fun!

Crotch Fruit Fridays

My two crazy kids.

They like to lounge on my bed, especially when it is not made and is extra messy, or has laundered clothes all over it.  I guess rolling around in clothes while watching cartoons are their own little slice of heaven.

In other news, we found a new babysitter for our date nights.  Our usual sitter (hub's cousin) moved back to the Bahamas, so the future was not looking bright for us.  Just in time, a friend recommended a sitter she knew who just recently moved to our area.  She's a full time nanny, who picks up extra babysitting cash on the weekends.  We have a date night scheduled for tomorrow.  It is much needed!

Hope you all have a super-duper weekend!  I have some product reviews to be posted soon too.  So, be on the lookout!

Pumpkin Patch 2012

So this past weekend, we made our yearly jaunt to the pumpkin patch (last years post here).  Max had been begging us for weeks now.  There are several pumpkin patches on the outskirts of Atlanta, but we usually go to Yule Forest.  They offer most of the usuals, i.e. hayride, petting zoo, pumpkins (of course).  They also have bounce houses and things of that nature for the smaller kids.  I can't wait until our boys get a bit bigger so that we can go to another pumpkin patch in the area that has a huge 4 acre corn maze!  In due time...

So what did you guys do over the weekend?

Biloxi Blues...

So, this past Friday, me and the family took a quick trip down to the Gulf Coast city of Biloxi, MS.  The hubs had some work to take care of there, and me the kids tagged along to check out the little town of Bilox/Gulfport as I'd never been there.  While he worked, we played.  Max didn't mind the murky water at all and was all in it.  Cruz, on the other hand, didn't want anything to do with it.  Notice he's right on the edge of the water--that's as close as I could coax him to get, and he is a water lover (pool, clear Bahamian waters, etc.)!  So I know it has to be the color. lol  I won't bore you with a lot of talk, but I will say that brown ocean aside--the place is beautiful, and the people are so friendly!

Happy Monday!

This post is part of Mom's Monday Mingle.  Click the button to the right to find out more!

Just another day at the park

The high today is suppose to be 75 degrees.  Yes, here in Atlanta...in February.  So obviously, today was a "park day".  We went to my favorite place in all of ATL--Piedmont Park.  It's like Atlanta's "Central Park", just to give you an idea of how popular it is, and big, though I don't think it's quite as big (as Central Park).  For once, I didn't forget to bring my camera.  Took a few snaps just to show you this lovely green space where I can usually be found on a nice day.  I can't wait until spring, when everything turns green again...

You can see the Midtown skyline in the distance.

Please disregard my bare (and tired) looking face. haha

In the summer, a lot of ppl usually lay out in this circle.

His first time in the swing.

I'll assume he's thrilled. :)

Enjoy your day!

Flashback Friday Anyone?

Since we happened to be on the subject of fitness and health in my last post, I thought I'd share with you all this picture one of my friends posted on Facebook of me when I was in my 8th month of pregnancy.  I ADORE this picture because I think it epitomizes the tone of both of my pregnancies.  I still always had lots of fun, and I was always very much active.  I get a lot of props from people I know because of my "snap back" ability after having my kids.  Most don't realize that I was very much in shape prior to getting pregnant, which makes it A LOT easier to get back down to where one would like to be, and also, I continued to workout and remain active for as long as I could through each pregnancy.  It really is no magic secret to it!  Anyway, hope you all have a slammin' weekend!
